Descubriendo el Desfiladero de la Hermida: una auténtica joya natural en España
El desfiladero de la Hermida, con sus imponentes 21 kilómetros de extensión y paredes casi verticales, se erige como el mayor desfiladero de España....
Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 14:00 | 15:00 a 18:00
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[email protected]The hotel is closely located at the western side of Guangzhou eastern railway station and neighboured with the terminal of Subway No. 1 & 3 and the key station of public buses, enjoys very convenient transportation.||The hotel offers fashionable design. Totally newly-renovation, the excellent management and the refined service, it is the best place to stay no matter for a business trip or for travel journey.
169 Linhe Road West, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City (510500 Guangzhou)